Thursday, October 28, 2010

Select resords in range of two date

select * from orders WHERE orderdate >= '10/26/2010' and orderdate <= '10/29/2010'

Join More than 2 tables in sql

Joining Three or More Tables

Although each join specification joins only two tables, FROM clauses can contain multiple join specifications. This allows many tables to be joined for a single query.

The titleauthor table of the pubs database offers a good example of a situation in which joining more than two tables is helpful. This Transact-SQL query finds the titles of all books of a particular type and the names of their authors:

USE pubs
SELECT a.au_lname, a.au_fname, t.title
FROM authors a INNER JOIN titleauthor ta
ON a.au_id = ta.au_id JOIN titles t
ON ta.title_id = t.title_id
WHERE t.type = 'trad_cook'
ORDER BY t.title ASC

Here is the result set:

au_lname au_fname title
----------------- -------------------- ----------
Blotchet-Halls Reginald Fifty Years in Buckingham Palace
Panteley Sylvia Onions, Leeks, and Garlic:
Cooking Secrets of the Mediterranean
O'Leary Michael Sushi, Anyone?
Gringlesby Burt Sushi, Anyone?
Yokomoto Akiko Sushi, Anyone?

(5 row(s) affected)

Notice that one of the tables in the FROM clause, titleauthor, does not contribute any columns to the results. Also, none of the joined columns, au_id and title_id, appear in the results. Nonetheless, this join is possible only by using titleauthor as an intermediate table.

The middle table of the join (the titleauthor table) can be called the translation table or intermediate table, because titleauthor is an intermediate point of connection between the other tables involved in the join.

When there is more than one join operator in the same statement, either to join more than two tables or to join more than two pairs of columns, the join expressions can be connected with AND or with OR.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Import Access Data To Sql Server 2005

Transfer Access database to SQL Server 2005

Open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the database server you want to import your Access database into. Under Databases, right-click and choose New Database.

new database sql 2005

Give it a name and configure the other settings as needed and click OK. Now we need to right-click on the database we just created and choose Tasks and then Import Data.

sql 2005 import data

On the Data Source dialog box, scroll up until you see Microsoft Access.

import microsoft access data

Next to File, click on Browse and navigate to the Access database you want to import and click Open. Note that the database cannot be in Access 2007 format as SQL Server 2005 does not recognize it! So if you have a 2007 Access database, first convert it to the 2002-2003 Access format by going to Save As.

mirgrate access to sql

Go ahead and click Next to choose the destination. Since you right-clicked on the database you wanted to import the data into, it should already be picked in the list.

destination database

Click Next and then specify how you want to transfer the data from Access to SQL by choosing either Copy the data from one or more tables or Write a query to specify the data to transfer.

access to sql server

In most cases, if you want to just transfer the entire database, you should choose the first option. If you want only a portion of the data from a particular table, you can write out the SQL query. Click Next.

By default all the tables should be selected and if you click the Edit button under Mapping, you’ll see the the destination database will create all of the tables to match what’s in the Access database.

transfer database access to sql

Here I have only one table in my Access database. Click Next and then choose whether to execute immediately or to save it as a file to perform later.

save as dts package

Click Next and then click Finish. You’ll then see the progress of the data transfer as it occurs.

transfer data

After it is completed, you’ll see the number of rows transferred for each table in the Message column.

data transferred

Click Close and you should now have all of your Access data
nicely imported into a SQL Server 2005 database, which you can then use for whatever you like.

access database

Any problems importing your data from Access to SQL 2005? If so, post a comment and I’ll try to help!